Quick info guide

Information on Land Acquisition/Rights

Deeds Registry


Audit Building
Ground Floor
Tel: +268 2404 1633
Email: gcweta@yahoo.com
Website: www.gov.sz    

Access to land for women in Eswatini

The 2005 Constitution of Eswatini provides for equal access to land for women and men alike. Sub-section 212 (3) states that a citizen of Swaziland, without regard of gender, shall all have equal access to land for domestic purposes.

The Deeds Registry Act No. 37 of 1968 and the Deeds Registry (Amendment) Act, 2012 promote equal access to land for women and men alike, guaranteeing the right to land ownership across gender.  It also ensures that property is fairly distributed between all parties at the dissolution of a marriage or the death of a spouse.

For women entrepreneurs, the ability to own/access land without restrictions is critical considering that land is a critical resource, but also because ownership of land that is protected by law is vital for the security/sustainability of the businesses that women choose to engage in.

angle-left Land Management Board

Land Management Board

Contact details

Ministry of Natural Resources & Energy
Income Tax Building