Business Training - Burundi
- Burundi
- Resources
- Capacity Building
- Business Training
Renforcement des capacités des femmes entrepreneurs chez l’AFAB
Business Management Capacity Building
The Action Plan for the operationalization of the Policy provides for the identification of the capacity building needs of women active in the economic sectors in rural and urban areas. It is also planned to develop a program to strengthen the technical and managerial capacities of women as well as the organization of training in informal cross-border trade on national and regional trade policies and border procedures.
In general, Business Management Training or Commercial training deals with the whole chain necessary for the production of goods and services. Its main tasks are :
- The conquest of new customers;
- The development of clients and projects;
- The development of international activities;
- The development of strategic partnerships, in order to prepare for future growth.
Commercial management also provides market indicators allowing managers to make relevant strategic choices.
In Burundi, some women's and non-women's organizations are already at work to train women entrepreneurs in order to position themselves well in the business market.
Thus, Burundian women, involved in the socio-economic sectors, must take advantage of all these training courses in commercial matters and in business management, as long as Burundi is in certain regional economic communities and where the free movement of Goods and Capital is a reality.