Export Info/Licences - D.R. Congo
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- Export Info/Licences
Information Guide
Customs procedure for export goods
The DRC, being an exporter of primary products rather than manufactured products, does not have an explicit export promotion policy. Thus, it does not have an export promotion agency, nor reimbursement of duties on imported inputs for exporters (quotduty drawbacksquot), nor a free zone.
Indeed, the declarations or licenses duly validated by an approved commercial Bank is worth an authorization of import or export of service, and obligation to receive or to carry out the payments of the invoiced amounts.
In the case of an export declaration or license, it must be accompanied by the following documents:
- The sales contract;
- The bill ;
- The export verification certificate;
- The quality certificate;
- Export Ready Product Batch List
- A certificate of expertise is required in the case of precious stones.
- Authorization from the concerned ministry (case of various products and species protected by CITES certificate).
However, exports of certain goods are exempt from these requirements.
It's about :
- Commercial samples of no value;
- Baggage and personal items;
- Periodical newspapers and magazines intended for personal use within the framework of a subscription;
- Items deemed to have no commercial value.
Contact information
Contact of the General Directorate of Customs and Excise
Green number: +243 82 19 20 21 5
Email address: info@douane.gouv.cd
Export license and export procedure
The import or export license or exchange declaration is a document initiated by the Congolese Central Bank whose role is to settle foreign exchange transactions (import/export transactions and capital transfers with the rest of the world) through authorized financial institutions.
Exchange declarations or licenses related to services cover all export or import operations of services received (IS) or provided abroad (ES) or to non-residents by residents on the basis of a commercial contract or any other document acting as a contract.
There are five reporting templates:
- the IB model: for importing goods (valid for 12 months);
- the IS model: for importing services (valid for 12 months);
- the EB model: involves the export of goods (valid for 3 months);
- the ES model: linked to the export of services (valid for 3 months);
- the RC model: (Income and Capital): in the case of international transfers of income, current international transfers and movements of capital (valid for 3 months).
The quotESquot and quotISquot model declarations include 5 sections intended respectively:
- To the Central Bank of Congo, which controls all related operations and collects related information for the publication of its annual report.
- To the Intervening Bank which validates the document and makes or receives payment for its operations at the expense of or on behalf of the subscriber, it reports its activities to the Central Bank of Congo.
- At the Directorate General of Taxes, at the Office of Customs and Assisi which levies taxes, each in the spheres of its competence.
- And to the subscriber who benefits from the advantages of the exchange document within the limits set by the regulations.
Within the framework of prohibitions, all titles carrying authorization of import or export (licenses or other similar titles) cannot, in no case, be the object of a loan, a sale, an assignment and , in general, of any transaction whatsoever on the part of the holders to whom they have been granted by name.
Here are the conditions that the Central Bank and all commercial banks require to obtain an import or export license:
- Have a current account;
- Bring an invoice and/or a service contract as well as other documents relating to international trade services;
- Have a guarantee likely to cover the control costs of the Congolese Control Office (OCC) and its agent the Bureau Inspection valuation assessment control (BIVAC) according to the requirements of the OCC and the Central Bank of Congo.
The price of the license depends from one bank to another.