Financial Literacy - D.R. Congo
- D.R. Congo
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- Financial Literacy
Financial Education for Women in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Access to finance remains arguably the biggest obstacle for women entrepreneurs in the DRC. This obstacle is recurrent because of their lack of experience and knowledge. Through financial education, consumers and women entrepreneurs have the necessary knowledge, confidence and confidence in formal financial service providers, elements necessary for informed decision-making and the choice of appropriate financial services.
In order to promote financial inclusion in the DRC, the Central Bank of Congo has undertaken, with the support of the German Technical Cooperation (GIZ), to develop a National Financial Education Program which constitutes one of the pillars of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy.
The main objective of this program is to improve people's understanding of financial services and products while strengthening their confidence in the financial sector. This program makes it possible to influence the behavior of the population in order to make responsible and appropriate financial decisions.
The PNEF has advantages for several actors:
- For consumers: this program allows them in particular to make reasoned choices with full knowledge of the facts, to improve their negotiating skills with financial institutions and to optimize the management of resources and financially anticipate unforeseen situations and be more sensitive to risks and financial product opportunities.
- To the government: the PNEF will fight against poverty through the distribution of essential financial products and services to finance income-generating activities, contribute to economic growth and create jobs through the rational use of credits.
- Financial institutions: will strengthen the population's confidence in the formal financial system, mobilize domestic savings and improve profitability.
Here are some structures that provide training to build the capacity of women entrepreneurs in finance because mastering the fundamentals of business finance is inevitable:
The National Commission of Women Entrepreneurs of the Federation of Entrepreneurs of Congo (CNFE/FEC)
CNFE/FEC is a network of more than 300 women entrepreneurs who are members of the Federation of Entrepreneurs of Congo (FEC) and who carry out various economic activities in all the provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The CNFE has set itself three main objectives:
- Inculcate business culture in women;
- Improve the quality of their products and services to be more competitive in the face of regional and international market requirements;
- Encourage the marketing of local products;
Access Program
The ACCESS program offers training, mentoring and coaching services for women in all the provinces of the DRC, to boost their export by improving the quality of their products, the managerial management of their businesses in order to enable their economic empowerment.
As part of the program, the CNFE organizes and provides various training modules in financial education such as:
- Business plan
- Market research
- Global value chain
- Cost calculation and pricing
- Contract and legal aspect
- Finance management
Address and contact
No. 10 avenue des aviators
Kinshasa – DRC
Finca RDC is a microfinance institution whose mission is to reduce poverty through sustainable solutions that enable people to accumulate sustainable wealth, create jobs and improve their standard of living.
In order to improve women's access to financial services, FINCA RDC organizes training on business management under different modules:
- Budget management: How to use your money wisely and develop a budget
- Savings: How to get there;
- Credit: How to Take Credit Carefully; credit negotiation techniques, financial negotiation;
Discover more details on this link
The head office
1286 Ave Tombalbaye
Entrance: at the corner of Avenue Colonel Ebeya–Ave Hopital
BP 13447, Kinshasa 1
FINCA branches in the provinces
Click here for more details
RawBank with its Lady's First program
Lady's first is a program set up by RAWBANK to support and encourage women entrepreneurs working in the Democratic Republic of Congo and whose main characteristics aim to:
- Improve women entrepreneurs' access to financial services,
- Improve their managerial capacities through training and follow-up,
- Facilitate their access to the market and to information.
This initiative is supported by the International Finance Corporation (IFC – World Bank Group), in particular through its WIN program (Women in Business)
For more details
66 Colonel Lukusa Avenue, C/Gombe
Tel: +243 996 016 300 or 4488 (Free calls for national networks)
Equity Bank Congo SA
nbsp Equity Bank Congo SA is a commercial bank oriented towards the development of the population, which offers a varied range of banking services to large companies, SMEs, micro-entrepreneurs and the masses, this in order to offer modern financial services and inclusive to the Congolese population in order to make it socially and economically autonomous
Financial education program
Equity Bank organizes trainings on financial education with the objective of sensitizing more than 300,000 people across the country on the culture of savings, transaction and banking agent, in order to enable them to learn how to manage finances, to save, to master basic banking services and to benefit from appropriate financing.
The program is broken down as follows:
- Training in financial education and savings via rural and community radio stations: This training is intended for the entire population and covers topics such as the budget, savings, access to credit, banking services and products, etc.
Listeners' clubs are formed to follow the training and benefit from an evaluation during and at the end of the training.
- Entrepreneurship training for women: This training takes place in class and/or remotely. A total of 1,500 women are targeted in ten of the country's provinces.
15 modules around the following main themes are covered:
- Initiate and lead a business development project;
- Successfully apply for funding for the development of an activity;
- Set up a savings plan for your business;
- Understand the need and identify the regulatory and administrative formalities necessary for the creation of a business
- Make a good business in the agricultural sector.
Selection criteria
- Hold a commercial activity with development potential or present an activity project in the territory, town or city covered by the training activity;
- Be able to follow all the sessions planned for the different training modules
- Agree to lead a professionalizing project under the support of coaches and/or trainers.
Registration procedure
- Request the registration form by email to (providing contact details and a brief overview of its activity / project).
- Managers of associations or supervisory structures can request the form for their members.
- Equity Bank will make an internal selection and will communicate the dates and places of training in the event of selection.
contact center
nbsp Telephone: +243 / 818302700
Equity Bank Congo SA
4b, Avenue des Aviateurs,
Kinshasa/Gombe, Democratic Republic of Congo
Swift Code: PRCBCDKI, 2013
Phone: +243 81 830 27 00
Fax: +49 692 557 7042
The Solidarity Network of Young Entrepreneurs of Congo, in acronym RESOJEC/Asbl
RESOJEC is a member of COPEMECO (Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises of Congo) and is the result of the awareness of young entrepreneurs working in all sectors of economic and social life. Anxious to mobilize and sensitize young Congolese to the spirit of entrepreneurship to fight against unemployment and this starting on the one hand from the achievements and fruitful experiences benefited from the program of activities for the employment of young people in Katanga implemented by the International Labor Office ''PAEJK/BIT'' and on the other hand by meditating on the orientations and strategic axes of the national youth policy and the resolutions of the National Youth Forum organized in Kinshasa in December 2013 on the aspect Entrepreneurship, as well as referring to the beneficial exploits achieved by some of our compatriots in the business world.
In order to build capacities and skills in financial management, RESOJEC organizes training on:
- Accountability
- Tax culture
- Financial education: budget, credit, savings, financial negotiation
- Cash
- Ohada business law
Conditions for participation: being a woman, having the will to learn and being physically fit.
Coverage area
- Lubumbashi,
- Kasumbalesa
- Likasi
- Kolwezi
- Pweto
- Kilwa
- Kinshasa
- Goma
- Bukavu
- matadi
- Kipushi
Address and Contact
1870, avenue Kapenda corner Ruwe at Father Salesien de Don Bosc,
Lubumbashi - Upper Katanga,
Union of Compassionate Hearts - UCCOM
UCCOM has a training center in Goma which supervises women entrepreneurs in various fields, including financial management with the following modules:
- Accounting: concept of OHADA, economic flows, accounting organization, supporting documents, journal, ledger, balance, end-of-year work, balance sheet, income statement, cash flow table
- The financial economy;
- Business law: The merchant and the Entrepreneur, common law for commercial companies, special law for commercial companies, limited risk companies, unlimited risk companies
Training costs
Registration fee: 5USD
Course fees:
- Finances: $20 per module: accounting, financial economics, business law
Duration: 3 months
- Take your registration
- Report Protocol
- The courses are adopted according to the level of the learners
Coverage area
North Kivu
10 Golf Avenue, Goma Mountain
UCCOM/Asbl Coordinator
WhatsApp: +243995050439
Landline: +243813355373