• Comoros
  • Resources
  • Social Services

Social services

The Government of the Union of the Comoros has introduced new institutional and legal reforms to reaffirm the State's commitment to the fight against gender-based violence.

Law -N° 14-036/AU of December 22, 2014, on the prevention and repression of violence against women in the Union of the Comoros was enacted in 2015.

The national roadmap to combat violence against women and minors in the Union of the Comoros 2017-2019 has been developed and validated . The general objective of this roadmap is to come up with a proposal for a national strategy to combat violence against women and minors, with a view to ensuring a coordinated response to the phenomenon of combating violence in the Union of the Comoros. , by involving all the categories of population concerned, the implementing authorities and the technical and financial partners.

The National Commission for Solidarity, Social Protection and Gender Promotion is responsible for coordinating and implementing the actions undertaken by the Government on gender-based violence.

Multisectoral response to gender-based violence

National Commission for Solidarity, Social Protection and Promotion of Gender

The National Commission for Solidarity, Social Protection and Gender Promotion is responsible for developing and implementing policies and strategies on the fight against gender-based violence, raising public awareness in collaboration with the parties stakeholders, accompany, guide and assist victims with the competent services.

Ministry of Health through hospitals

Hospitals provide health services to victims and followers of any assault.

  • Complete physical examination
  • Laboratory analyzes
  • Radiology
  • Follow-up care
  • Provision of a medical-legal report

    Listening services

    The Government of the Union of the Comoros, through the Regional Directorates responsible for gender promotion, has set up listening and protection services for child victims of violence.

    The Listening and Protection Services for child victims of violence are responsible for:

  • Encourage the population to denounce any case of abuse and mistreatment of women and children;
  • - Encourage child victims of abuse and mistreatment to talk about their suffering and to denounce the perpetrators;

  • Sensitize the population to use the listening and support service for abused or mistreated children;

  • Ensure medical and psychosocial support for victims;

  • Initiate legal action against perpetrators of violence against children.

    National Police and Gendarmerie

    The National Police and the Gendarmerie are responsible for carrying out rapid investigations in order to determine the needs of the victim , refer him to the appropriate services , and gather all evidence in order to proceed with the interrogation of the suspect and custody.

    The vice and minors brigade is responsible for carrying out investigations for child victims of violence.

    Toll-free numbers exist and are accessible to all: Number 1760 and Number 1710 .

    Non-governmental organizations

    Several non-governmental organizations are involved in the fight against violence against women and children. They play a major role in raising public awareness for the prevention of violence and encourage them to denounce the perpetrators.

    We can mention: H ifadhui, M oinatsiwamdzi ma, Cap, Meudowahaki, Toimaya ya comores, S ubuti wambe .