Hotlines and help desks

Police Service

911 – Toll free lines for get emergency police services

Federal Police: +251 11 5512744

Addis Ababa Police: +251 11 1559122

Traffic Police: +251 11 5528222

Ethiopian Red Cross Society – 907

Ethiopian Red Cross Society delivers ambulance and first aid services within all regional branches and two city administrations. 

Other telephone numbers:      

+251 115 51 57 44
+251 111 11 50 02
+251 115 50 84 63
+251 118 49 44 86
Or visit the website

Wegen AIDS Hotline - 952

The Wegen AIDS Talk line started in 2004 to make it easy for people to freely talk about HIV and AIDS, get information, referrals to services and professional counseling. It can be reached by dialing 952, toll-free, from any mobile, landline or public phone. Whenever an issue is too hard to share with family, friends or even health professionals, the three digits to dial are: 952

General information on social services for Ethiopian women

One-Stop Centres

One Stop Centers in Ethiopia provide a coordinated response for survivors of sexual violence. The centers are leading the effort to increase access to services and strengthen the fight against gender-based violence and strengthened referral of victims to other child protection services and government institutions like hospitals.

One Stop Centers are managed by the national alliance committee on ending violence against women and girls which consists of more than 10 sector ministries. To expand services and increase accessibility, regional hospitals are also on the verge of introducing the one-stop service centers.

Ethiopian Network of Women Shelters

This is designed to provide a comprehensive counseling and rehabilitation service for  survivors of violence and harassment. After the comprehensive service in a one-stop service center, the survivors are admitted to safe houses. The safe houses provide a future for women and girls who have faced violence and experienced unthinkable abuse, ensuring their security as well as rehabilitation and support to enable to stand on their own feet again. There are nearly 16 safe houses throughout the nation. These provide rehabilitation, life, and job-related skills for survivors of violence.

Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) 

This is designed to address concerns of social equity such as gender equality and to apply measures that improve social services to vulnerable groups. They also ensure that women at all levels benefit equally from the program by considering maternal and childcare responsibilities. This program is implemented in rural and urban areas. In urban areas, the program is administered, facilitated and implemented through the Federal Urban Job Creation & Food Security Agency. At full capacity, the project aims to benefit close to 604,000 people, with 200,000 people selected from the capital's 55 ‘weredas’. Sixteen percent are beneficiaries of direct support, while the remaining number benefit by earning regular income working in their neighborhoods. The direct beneficiaries of the program are the elderly and the disabled living in households with under-age members, street children, the homeless and beggars.

Community Based Health Insurance (CBHI)

As part of the health package by the Ethiopian Ministry of Health, the Community Based Health Insurance program improves access to health care services. In this regard, women with low socioeconomic status are given special attention to be part of the scheme where  a large number of female-headed households are beneficiaries.