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VACID Africa

VACID Africa is a non-profit social enterprise that focuses on the promotion of agro-entrepreneurship for the empowerment of communities, especially the youth, through integrated farm productivity and value chain development. It envisions a world where food/nutrition, education/knowledge, and income/wealth are not constraints in the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and micro-entrepreneurs

List of services provided by the program

Mentorship- The mentorship programme involves mentoring selected youth on the potential that exists in agricultural value chain engagement. The program involves personal interaction with mentors in one-to-one interaction, workshops, seminars, online discussions, training sessions and video conferences to increase their capacity to unlock their potential in their areas of interest. VACID Africa partners with value chain experts, business development service providers, and financial institutions in different parts of the agricultural value chain to offer quality and comprehensive mentorship program to the selected youth.

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Social Incubation- VACID Africa is leading the corporatization of cooperatives in Kenya by supporting the integration of business incubation and ICT centres at the cooperatives. The focus is to create ICT centers that support the automation needs of the cooperative while at the same time incubating the youth to use ICTs for development.

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Community Development- VACID Africa collaborates with government initiatives to support community development by involving the local citizens and professionals to build stronger and more resilient local communities. The focus is to create grassroots institutions as vehicles for achieving localized agriculture driven development goals. Major focus is on but not limited to Ecological Protection, Density & Urban Design, Urban Infill, Village Centres, Local Economy, Sustainable Transport, Affordable Housing, Livable Community, Sewage & Stormwater, Water, Energy.

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VACID Africa Gakere Road, Nyeri town Mang'uru Building, Room 14

P. O Box 2579-10140, Nyeri-Kenya.
