Woman Photograph Mentorship Programme

The Programmme works to elevate the voices of women + non-binary visual storytellers.

Solution for Women Organizations (SWO)

SWO focuses on advancing the empowerment of women and girls in Kenya.

Women in Real Estate (WIRE)

WIRE focuses on promoting and highlighting women in real estate.

Pamoja Kenya Mentorship Alliance (P.A.K.E.M.A)

PAKEMA focuses on the enlightenment of school children and youths.

Kenya Women Parliamentary Association (KEWOPA)

KEWOPA focuses on strengthening the participation of women in all spheres.

Echo Network Africa (ENA)

ENA focuses on advocating for women with disabilities and women from marginalized communities.

Global Give Back Circle (GGBC)

GGBC provides mentorship through education, leadership development and economic empowerment.

Rural Women Peace Link

Rural Women Peace Link promotes the participation of local women in peace building, governance and development.

Kenyan Women in the United States (KWITU)

KWITU is a transformative group that focuses on providing mentorship for Kenyan women in the United States and Canada.


GrowthAfrica focuses on growing successful enterprises in Africa.

VACID Africa

VACID Africa promotes self-actualization by linking agriculture, food, nutrition, knowledge, income, and technologies.

Kenya Youth Business Trust Pwani

Kenya Youth Business Trust Pwani helps young people to start and grow their own business and create employment.