• Madagascar
  • Resources
  • Market Information
  • Trade Agreements

Commercial agreements

These agreements allow preferential tariffs applied to trade between the signatory countries. They facilitate trade and investment. Many of these agreements dedicate a particular section to the empowerment and strengthening of women's entrepreneurship through capacity building and facilitation for women.

National agreements:

  1. Law No. 2006-027 between the Government of the Republic of Madagascar and the People's Republic of China on the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investments
  2. Law n° 2006-028 between the Government of the Republic of Madagascar and the Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union relating to the Reciprocal Encouragement and Protection of Investments

  3. Agreement for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments between the Republic of Madagascar and the Republic of Mauritius


Regional instruments / agreements:

  • Indian Ocean Commission - IOC : Intergovernmental organization bringing together certain countries of the Indian Ocean. The IOC's mandate is to promote intra-regional exchanges and defend the island interests of its member states. Its regional cooperation objectives for financing translate into partnerships with donors, international cooperation agencies and other regional cooperation organizations which then facilitate the process of economic integration.

  • Southern African Development Community – SADC : Madagascar joined SADC (2005 and has been a member of the Free Trade Area since 2008 with the aim of gaining access to the South African market, which is its main partner in the area. SADC aims to enhance the growth and economic development of member countries by reducing dependence on traditional partners and enhancing regional integration and international cooperation.

  • Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa – COMESA: International organization with a regional vocation in East Africa. Its objectives are to eliminate, in a first phase, internal tariff and non-tariff barriers, and in a second phase, to adopt common external tariffs, to liberalize the movement of people and capital, to harmonize the standards of products, to harmonize taxation, to strengthen cooperation in terms of investment and intellectual property laws with a view to the eventual creation of a monetary union.
    Furthermore, COMESA also allows the free movement of capital and investments through the adoption of common investment practice in order to create a more favorable investment climate in a common area for the COMESA region.

  • The African Union aims to promote unity and solidarity among African States; to coordinate and intensify development cooperation; to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Member States and to promote international cooperation.

  • The Indian Ocean Rim Association – IORA: regional forum, of a tripartite nature, bringing together representatives of Governments, the economic community and the academic community with the aim of promoting cooperation and exchanges between them.

    The relations are based on the principles of open regionalism to strengthen economic cooperation, particularly in terms of trade facilitation and the promotion of investment as well as the social development of the region. Open regionalism comprises three elements namely: trade liberalization, trade and investment facilitation and economic and technical cooperation.

International instruments / agreements:

  • World Trade Organization serves as a framework for negotiation between States in order to reduce obstacles to trade and ensures that States respect their commitments. It has a body for settling disputes that may arise between member states as a result of its agreements. The WTO's mission is to promote trade and assist exporters, importers and producers of goods and services in their activities.

  • Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) combines SADC, COMESA and the East African Community (EAC). The objective of this agreement is the accelerated establishment of a free trade area (FTA) encompassing the member/partner states of the three organizations with the main objective of creating a single customs union. Its membership of several international organizations with a regional vocation (COI, SADC, EAC, COMESA, etc.) gives it access to the free trade zones of these organizations, totaling more than 600 million potential consumers.

Contact and source of information

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs

PO Box 836
ndriamifidy street
Anosy 101 Antananarivo
Email: info-web@diplomatie.gov.mg
Website: https://www.diplomatie.gov.mg/

  • Malagasy Customs

Customs clearance administration/services
Headquarters: Finance and Budget Building
Antaninarenina 101 Antananarivo
Phone: +261 20 22 229 16 - +261 345564406
Green number: 360
Email: sed.douane@gmail.com
Website: http://www.douanes.gov.mg/