Quick information guide

Areas often covered by business training:

  • Business plan development
  • Business management
  • Customer management
  • business mentorship
  • Budgeting
  • Loan management
  • Decision making
  • communication and negotiation

Other areas covered

Besides the business training, different organisations have adopted an integrated gender transformative approach whereby they also include awareness raising around gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health and rights awareness raising.

Business training in Rwanda

Small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s) play a very important role in economic development of every nation. Many developing nations lack a strong SME sector and that leads to high unemployment and low GDP per capita.

Rwanda has placed a high priority on the financial sector development and considers it as an integral way of transforming the country’s economy.

The political move promoting the country’s economic development has attracted the attention of different development stakeholders and investors.

They are intervening in different areas supporting Government’s orientation. Some are investing in incubating and nurturing SME development, offering portfolios of services that include business management training, financial literacy and others.

They are helping to prepare and nurture entrepreneurs to start and grow businesses with ethical values.

However, women and girls in business still face challenges when it comes to business skills.

 Improving their business skills is key to create a good business working environment that will empower them economically and contribute to the long-term sustainable development of the country.



About CARE

Founded in 1945, CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty and providing lifesaving assistance in emergencies. In 95 countries around the world, CARE places special focus on working alongside poor girls and women because, equipped with the proper resources, they have the power to help lift whole families and entire communities out of poverty. In Rwanda, CARE has over 35 years of experience supporting women and girls in rural communities, while working with the Government to effect lasting change, and strengthening civil society for localized impact.

Areas covered by business training

●       How to develop a business plan?

●      Customer management/business mentorship

●      Budgeting

●      Loan management/business management

Gender, power relations, decision making at the household, communication and negotiation, addressing gender based violence and sexual and reproductive health and rights (these are provided as part of an integrated gender transformative approach)


Additional services beneficial to women entrepreneurs

VSLAs are linked to negotiated products and services from formal financial institutions.

Events organized  DUTERIMBERE


●      International women’s day

●      International savings day and Rwanda savings week

●      Women participate in district open days

Women spaces run and led by women



P.O. Box 550, KN8 Ave, Plot 720, Kigali City
Telephone: +250788306241/+250788304454
Website: www.care.org.rw;
twitter: @careinrwanda