• Djibouti
  • Resources
  • Capacity Building
  • Business Training

Business training in Djibouti

Commercial training is very important as long as it is the first activity (market research) to be carried out when setting up a business, and it may be a stage where several future partners (customers , suppliers, etc.). A structure such as quotWomen Entrepreneurshipquot, a sub-entity of the quotClub des Jeunes Entrepreneurs Djiboutiensquot is likely to support creative women in building their capacities in commercial matters.

Women Entrepreneurship

The Club des Jeunes Entrepreneurs Djiboutiens (CJED), in partnership with Djiboutian businesswomen, has set up since November 2018, a structure called quotWomen Entreprenurshipquot and an integral part of the CJED for the attention of Djiboutian women leaders or wishing to set up an economic activity.

This economic project support association offers project leaders several services:

  • the detection of opportunities,
  • the orientation of the creators towards opportunities,
  • networking to develop business relationships.

In addition to these services, the other activities of “Women Entreprenurship” are:

- Animation and information (legal, economic, tax, regulatory and commercial ...),

- Exchange and promotion (lunch-debates, live video on Facebook evoking themes on economic and commercial news in Djibouti),

-Opening of branches, representing “Women Entrepreneurship”, in the regions to promote the exchange of information, particularly commercial information, with women entrepreneurs from the regions.

These activities are often carried out by women entrepreneurs. These women volunteer their time to give advice to those who want to get started, to study the commercial feasibility of projects submitted to the association (quantify the potential market, know the expectations and behavior of consumers, etc.).

Recall that Fathia Idleh Doubad, member of quotWomen Entrepreneurshipquot, won the 2019 edition of the Head of State's economic prize for setting up her company located in Assamo (Ali-Sabieh Region) and specializing in the manufacture soaps. This economic prize is awarded each year to female entrepreneurs distinguished by the originality of their economic activities.

Contact :

Address: Rue Marchand, Downtown, Djibouti

Phone: 77 84 06 12