Information Guide

Safe Travel Hours

It is best to move between 07h-20h

How to prevent bullying

Police phone numbers in case of robbery, rape or bandit attack?

Useful numbers:
Information: 12 or 13
Emergency Police: 17
Hello Firefighters: 18
SMUR: 119
UNFD listening, information and orientation unit: 21 35 80 88

Hotline for abuse/corruption/harassment including sexual harassment

In this case you must contact the emergency number:
Font: 17
CEIO: 21 35 80 88

Safety Information for Djiboutian Women

Neighboring Ethiopia, Somalia (State of Somaliland), Eritrea and, by sea, Yemen, the Republic of Djibouti is an island of stability in an area considered sensitive. This stability is reinforced by the presence of military forces from different countries stationed there. Its port, of strategic importance, serves as a stopover for many foreign navies.